3 definitions by Sullen

Exclamatory: Word often used in response to any unexpected threat or reaction personified by a high-pitch-like squeel.

Synon/with "OH SHIT!" or "EEK!"
A posesed Teddy Roxbin wielding a knife has appeared at the foot of your bed.

Response: "EEH!"
by Sullen January 25, 2004
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Noun. See also "n. fuck"
A deeply intence fucker or fuck with redeeming chacteristics of a rat.
by Sullen January 25, 2004
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Noun. 1.a good friend, pal, or buddy..chummy.adj. to be friendly.
2.Shark bait composed of unwanted or useless fish parts. chummed; chummer; chumming; ect.
3.SLANG.Semen or sebum see also "smegma".
1.n."They are old chums"
adj."They are acting chummy"
2."I saw a chummer chumming with chum, he chummed all day"
3."Suck my chum!"
by Sullen January 25, 2004
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