1 definition by SubUrbanBruh
It's the shortening of "subliminal tweet" which is directly referring to a particular person without mentioning their name or directly mentioning them and it basically indicates that the tweet in which the hashtag is used is a subliminal tweet.
Basically, it's talking about someone behind their back but sort of in their face on Twitter!
Basically, it's talking about someone behind their back but sort of in their face on Twitter!
Man, I wish this girl would stop subtweeting about me and just say what she has to say directly. Triflin'!
I wish #oneofmyfollowers would stop #subtweeting and just come out with what he wants to say! Ugh!
I wish #oneofmyfollowers would stop #subtweeting and just come out with what he wants to say! Ugh!
by SubUrbanBruh August 10, 2010