2 definitions by Styls

Anything but Vaccines — Cause of death explanations wildly made up and out of control post Covid-19 vaccine era. Deaths are only allowed to be attributed to "anything but vaccines" (ABV). Heart attacks, strokes, foreign governments, cold water, broken heart, sudden death syndrome and many more unfitting causes of death are being used to explain away all of the deaths that couldn't possibly be from the Covid-19 vaccines. Main stream media are promoting ABV with no regard for facts or truth.
Record new deaths from heart attacks while sleeping from snoring. Falling asleep with the tv on can bring early death. Taller people are more susceptible to new terminal nerve conditions. Solar flares have been discovered to be cause of death to some thousands of people per year scientists say. All these new findings are ABV for sure.
by Styls August 2, 2022
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When one is partaking in a mosh pit type scenario all to themselves after taking a hit of drugs they couldn't handle.
by Styls January 8, 2023
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