2 definitions by Stuface

A timeless entity who pre-exists the dawn of the known universe. Of unknown origin and power, and the overseer of all that can and will ever happen. Has been known to react more slowly than lesser mortals due to his inconceivably long life span. To him, all others live and die in but the blink of an eye.
"Don't fuck with him, man, he's Ashok!"
by Stuface March 7, 2008
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To have a previous enjoyment of something removed by a later experience. An occurance of such grotesqueness that all previous enjoyment of the same subject matter is nullified.
I disenjoyed Spiderman 3 so much that I can't even watch the first one now.

Ugh, I totally disenjoyed sleeping with Yolanda after I found out she used to be a man.
by Stuface March 18, 2008
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