12 definitions by Strands57

A line used to ask somone if they know where to buy some drugs.
Hey matt, so do you know anything?
by Strands57 December 21, 2006
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Somthing really cool or sweet. Somthing good.
Dude, so i just feel bomb right now.
This is just bomb my parents are going out of town.
So i just got a new car it's just bomb.
Bomb dude.
by Strands57 December 19, 2006
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To lend someone something.
To give someone something, with the idea they will at one point do it for you in return.
Hey, bum me a cig.
Bum me some gum.
by Strands57 December 19, 2006
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A sissy. Somone who can't stick up for themselves. Somone who runs from a fight. Somone who is lame.
Shut the fuck up and stop acting like such a pansy.
by Strands57 December 22, 2006
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Tonight i'm goin to do some blogart!
Blogart for the nose.
by Strands57 December 20, 2006
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