10 definitions by Steve Lewis

1. release: A word used to express practically anything, but in a positive sense.

Also: "release date (date here)" to denote a good happening

2. other examples (but in a neutral sense) are link and rock

3. slightly negative: allow

4. and bait reach (although this is only used in a very negative sense)
1. Awww, man, release me that ice cream! Mmmm, a free ice cream, release date 2003, july twenty ninth.

2. Link it over there or we'll get rocked by the cops for releasing that ice cream.

3. Allow getting rocked, this is no release.

4. Oh no dude, they're linking us to jail. Some homo is gonna release us, allow it! This is some bait reach!
by Steve Lewis July 29, 2003
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An event where guys significantly outnumber girls. This isn't great if you're a guy, and is especially not so great if you're an arsehole, as generally this means that your chance of pulling is, well, diminished.
by Steve Lewis April 16, 2004
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The best insult ever. Just imagine the crustiest female area.
Me - Dude, why are you such a cunt crust?

Dude - Oh Steve, I'm so sorry that I'm just not as supercool as you. Please, accept my most sincere apologies.
by Steve Lewis April 15, 2004
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1. Wrong, raw, disgusting.

2. Random, sudden, unexpectedly jokes.
"you're so off key" - after sticking finger up arse and wiping on policeman's face.

"that was the most off key scene I've ever seen" - Commenting on various scenes in Kill Bill.
by Steve Lewis June 15, 2004
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a person about to become a pervert.

from the latin prevertus, meaning... no I'm kidding. It's just bare of pre- before
- I'm a retard who can't spell
- And you're probably a prevert.
by Steve Lewis June 13, 2004
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That grey/black (depending on how dirty you are) gunk on your keyboard after prolonged use.

May also accumulate on mice.
Man I hate my supervisor so much.... I'm gonna give him some keyboard salsa in his coffee
by Steve Lewis February 1, 2004
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1. Exclaimation when you score a point by putting your arm through a "natural circle" in the opponent's body, typically when they are standing with their hands on their hips, and you approach from the rear.
2. The game. It has so far lasted two years. We don't know the score. We have no idea who is playing, and who isn't.
by Steve Lewis July 29, 2003
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