11 definitions by Stephan J.

A Democrat (Or Libertarian) who supports the idea of male execution. Someone who, in their own social and political views, believes that 80% of all white American men should be executed so that the asshole genes cannot spread into the genetic pool. Not all Elites are evil, such as the housewives who have been beaten, enslaved, and controlled by shitty fat men who do nothing but sexually assault, harass, and beat their wives because they are feeling insecure. Unlike other Feminists, we do not hate men who do not have jobs or live single while they masturbate to anime images, nor men who are shorter and weaker. We do not like white men, specifically. We enjoy people who act human and can underline the flaws in American society. We like guys who act rationally and selflessly, and ones who will take equal care of us as we do to them. However, as mentioned earlier, we need execution to keep the genetic pool clean. As it is, most men are ignorant, careless, and bigoted. We do not hate all men, but, we will establish the situation that men are one of the biggest basis of all human problems. We are not radical, we are intelligent.
Radical Feminist: "Men are the basis of all human problems, and all should be executed."
Elite Feminist: "Do you mean all men, or just the ones who are of no worth to us?"
Radical Feminist: "Men are evil, stubborn, selfish pigs who should be removed from the Earth."
Elite Feminist: "To a degree, you are certainly correct. However, there are men who can help change the world, and those who can spread better genetic information through reproduction."
Radical Feminist: "You are wrong, all men are evil."
Elite Feminist: "Evil does not exist. You are referring to the humanoid lomus homo-sapien. Men who have evolved to very little, such as Texans, should be eliminated. We are doing this to keep the gene pool clean and safe from genetic material that could potentially harm the human race. Of course, you could always join the minor Feminists who constantly complain about women's right, not knowing that the American capital will not listen, since we do not live in a free democracy."
Radical Feminist: "Well, okay then."

Not all Elite Feminists are "evil" as people say.
by Stephan J. January 3, 2015
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Someone who overly obsesses with COD, sometimes found on chat forums.
CODfish - "Dude this Ak-99 versus double rocket launcher totally rips but Ak-77 beats the shiz yo' man whoever didn't play COD has no life and I'm totally killing it yo' gotta bomb these 3 bro's oh hell no damn he shot me with his turret I'm gonna play for 16 hours until I get my damn XOX 77-missle dude stop shooting me."
by Stephan J. August 19, 2014
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Life's too painful to describe. Sorry folks :(
You live... You die... THE END.
That's Life
by Stephan J. August 18, 2014
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(2000 - 2100-AD) A very depressing and rather harsh place, filled with guns and robots and the government always watching you. There are no rights, no freedom, and everyone is criticized for who they are and what they believe. 50% of all Americans end up in jail, and taxes will increase for both the rich and poor. Paradise will only remain with 0.5% of the world, while everyone else has to do exactly as they are told. It is slavery, and poverty, and homeless people roaming the forests butt-naked smoking a 17th century pipe. People live their lives exactly the way they were when they first became adults, and will lead depressing lives with 0% satisfaction. Suicide will increase by 75%, mainly for the middle-class people. of course, you could build a time-machine and go back to the old days, though the first test would probably kill every person on Earth, who wants to live a negative life anyways?
The 21st Century is hell. Do not be fooled by robots and techno music, for those were the old days.
by Stephan J. September 21, 2014
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