253 definitions by Starchylde

Someone who plays the style of guitar that's called a flying V.
Dale's a Badass flying V guitar player! Pure raw talent & genius
by Starchylde April 17, 2017
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Wild black bird with purple/blue undertones. They're over 25" long, weigh about 1 1/3 lbs, have a 15" wingspan, & lay 3~5 eggs. At Buckingham Palace they have 6 resident ravens who are taken care of & released every morning & return on their own every night! They're thought to be good luck!
The raven is 1 of my Spirit Animals & they're Gorgeous & Very Smart!
by Starchylde September 3, 2016
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Saying the alphabet backwards, from Z to A. Thanks to the Captain Kangaroo show, which aired it so very, very many times, I somehow managed to memorize it & can say it in 3 Seconds flat! No kidding!
People doubt that I can say the backwards alphabet & are shocked when I accomplish it! They always ask how I can do that!
by Starchylde May 21, 2016
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A wonderful series of relationship books by John Gray.
After reading Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, she realized the valueable truth in them.
by Starchylde May 27, 2016
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To rappel facing the ground, as Australians do.
I might have gone rappelling Aussie style if I did it the regular way 10 or 12 times!!
by Starchylde March 22, 2015
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The feeling you get when your kids are adults & have moved out. The house feels so empty.
The empty nest syndrome was really tough to deal with at first & I still miss my kids living with me!
by Starchylde May 28, 2016
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When a person is in an ocean & the riptide & undertow get them.
Damn! When I experienced ocean grab it scared the living Hell outta me! I was lucky & got out of it!
by Starchylde May 28, 2016
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