4 definitions by Squirter

Is an extremely funny person who sprays with an smg in fortnite and is so FUCKING ANOYING YOU JUST WANT TO DROWN HIM
by Squirter March 21, 2022
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Someone who wears a patch over one eye and stares.
I went to school with a creepy kid who always gave me a single stare.
by Squirter November 16, 2012
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To be Kellen'd is too be jizzed on repeatedly with aged man yogurt. It reeks of old cheese and liquor.
I Kellen'd that bitch...right in her mouth.
by Squirter December 3, 2004
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A fat little nonce who’s family is falling apart and he has no friends at school and his hated by everyone
You gonna turn into a Jayden keeble no one likes a Jayden keeble
by Squirter March 21, 2022
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