23 definitions by Spodermen2121 z

Annoying Orange

1. An annoying youtube series about an orange with a mouth, eyes, and annoying, high-pitched voice.

2. Donald Trump
by Spodermen2121 z February 26, 2017
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scott cawthon

1) The creator of the highly-successful Five Nights At Freddy's Franchise.

2) Turning into one of the biggests sellout on the face of the planet.
1: Scott cawthon created FNAF all by himself.

2: Nintendo is making Mario Games on mobile now? They're really Scott Cawthoning
by Spodermen2121 z August 13, 2017
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A youtuber who has no talent, yet tons of subscribers.
God, I hate leafy. I bet most of his subscribers are other google accounts he made.
by Spodermen2121 z February 9, 2017
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click bait

An online tool used to lure people into clicking on your website. It comes in a couple different forms:

One form of click bait is a thumbnail. Often these types of click bait will feature pictures of hot women or something else that can grab your attention

Another popular form is the caption of a thumbnail. These are used to build suspense and make you want to read the page. Some popular examples are "*politician* does *something newsworthy*", "you won't believe what *celebrity* did", and finally, "amazing trick to *do something hard*"

Click bait was very popular when youtube began, as many aspiring youtubers would utilize click bait to get people to click on their videos.
Guy 1: Look at that link! "Amazing trick to lose 50 pounds!"

Guy 2: It's just click bait
by Spodermen2121 z February 18, 2017
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soviet russia

A place where everything is the opposite of how it is in the USA
In America, you piss in toilet

In soviet russia, toilet piss in you!
by Spodermen2121 z January 22, 2017
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five nights at freddy's

A famous indie game that started out good, but was ruined by a combination of both it's horrible fanbase and the fact that the creator made tons of sequels that were all too similar to the original. The plot is simple: You play as a night watch person in a Chuck E. Cheese style building, but the animatronic animals all want to kill you.
Cringy kid: Hey dude, did you hear that Five Nights at Freddy's 4 is coming out?

Kid with a brain: Yeah, it's probably gonna be the same as the other 3 games
by Spodermen2121 z March 10, 2017
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A term that meant "new player" until the post 2010 years of Roblox
Robloxian: m4n h3 i5 $uch @ noob. C4n't b3li3ve h3 ki11ed m3

Minecrafter: NOOB ISN'T AN INSULT!
by Spodermen2121 z December 10, 2016
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