2 definitions by SomeoneWhoRespectsNathanFillon

It's supposed to be the name of a global software company, but their software is so unstable and slow that it has come to mean "Just Don't Ask". As their default answer to all faults it to bounce the servers, it can also mean "Just Down the Application".
Operations guy: I see there's an issue with the software.
App Support owner: JDA (Just Don't Ask), amiright?

App Support guy: What are we going to do about this fault?
Low-level support tech with no idea: JDA (Just Down the Application) and see if it fixes.
by SomeoneWhoRespectsNathanFillon February 23, 2019
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A car make with a growing reputation for being completely unreliable and costing half your year's salary to repair.
Dude1: That girl is bad news, she's as flakey as a Volkswagen and gonna cost you just as much to keep in good nick.

Dude2: I know bro, but she's hot to look at and goes from 0 to 100 just as fast. Giggity.
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