2 definitions by Smiling_weasle

Hah i added the letter s on to texan so i get my own definition.

Persons from Texas, the best state in the union, would be the largest if you didn't count that stupid hunk of ice Alaska, aslo only state capable of secceding from the us and functioning as its own country.

Also a Football team that would be decenct if they got rid of the the california pretty boy quarter back and drafted Vince Young.

And for all your notherner bitches who don't know what Dr.Pepper is its the God of all sodas and we make it here.
Texan+s=Texans.....words to take up space
by Smiling_weasle April 4, 2006
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Wow some tool was bored enough to find my def and offended enough to respond to it (see above, or mabey below by now tool's def), congrats :)
we are not all texans in texas, but we are all americans(quasi-intulectual bullshit)= i prove my own intellect by finding obscure defs and flaming them
by Smiling_weasle November 2, 2006
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