10 definitions by Sly O.D.

Like Explode, but way more random, like, if you took, explode, and tied a hamster with a laser for a face and a pitchfork for legs to it, then you might have kursplode
You're walking down the road, and a pop can on the stree just kind of blows up, that is a something kursplode.
by Sly O.D. May 12, 2006
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Something that is more awesome than awesome. It is a modifyer of your basic awesome into a more awesome version
Yo, if you kick a hobo, it will asplode!
~Throws up the horns~ Awesomesauce, totally Awesomesauce.
by Sly O.D. May 8, 2006
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After P.Diddy's assassination of Tupac, the fallen Tupac was reborn as Zombiepac. Zomebiepac has been responsible for most of the Tupac music, and movies, and books that have come out in the time since his passing. As well, due to Zombiepacs personal vendetta against P.Diddy for his slaying, and Zombiepac's unusual allergy to Cristal P.Diddy is always keeps a fridge full, and a flask full in his brest pocket.
Zombiepac doesn't have the heart and soul that Tupac had... of course, that's cause his soul no longer resides in his body, and his heart rotter away years ago.
by Sly O.D. February 7, 2007
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