10 definitions by Slavik Von Stockholm

The system of ranks in almost qany social system. For example, in an office:
Boss, Executive, Salesperson, Mail Room clerk, and janitor,
In a school:
Popular Kids, Jocks, Gangsters, Stoners, Norms, Geeks, Morons.

Also known as Social Ladder.
Since I'm on the football team, I've moved up the food chain.
by Slavik Von Stockholm May 4, 2005
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Insults. Most assaciated on the internet.
V. To insult.
N: Hey don't flame people.
V: He just flamed you.
by Slavik Von Stockholm May 4, 2005
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Basically referring to a monster in a B-Movie. Most recently though, it is referring to someone who does something that is just corny or stereotypical.
Why is he a B-Movster?
Cause he always calls his house the Lair of House.
by Slavik Von Stockholm May 4, 2005
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