2 definitions by Skumdog

pronounced "sley-vuh"
Slang, Noun
A new term coined by Stephen Colbert, in order to strip the word slavery, of it's hateful meaning.

Every time Southerners try to celebrate Confederate heritage, Yankees ruin it by mentioning the s-word (slavery). People in the south are taking the s-word back, hence the term slava.
Used in a sentence.

All my slava's in the house say, hey!; What's up my slava?; Damn slava that's a nice car.
by Skumdog November 28, 2010
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Someone who blindly supports Donald Trump no matter what moronic thing comes out of his mouth and believes that he can do no wrong.
Look at those Orangutaneers, their love for their supreme leader is sickening.
by Skumdog April 10, 2017
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