14 definitions by Skidmark McGee

Your basic state trooper is very much like your basic cop, someone who had little to nothing going for them in life and at the risk of digging ditches or laying concrete the rest of their life they decided to become a cop. They are then given a few weeks of training after which they "graduate", being then given almost unlimited authority over common citizens and the power to carry a gun both on and off "duty" (duty = driving around issuing tickets and basically ruining anyone's day they choose). And yes I have had an actual real trooper/cop tell me how "cool" it is that he can carry a gun around. People like Louis H. are badly informed as to what cops are and do, and/or are cops themselves or directly related to a cop. People who become cops are people who are either amazingly egotistical or wish to get back at the world for whatever silly reason they perceive in their head, more often than not a combination of both.

To work a job where you go in every single day/night and ruin someone's day or life depending on what "citation" you give them or what you "arrest" them for all the while knowing that in your private life you "speed" while driving and occasionally drink with friends at a bar and then drive home is the epitomy of the basic definition of hypocrisy.

Never argue or fight against a trooper (or cop for that matter) but dont think for a second that these "people" are on your side or their to help you and protect as it explictly says in their oath "To Protect and Serve" The only thing they serve is their own power lust and ego and they will without a second thought ruin your life and more because they are "enforcing laws" they themselves dont pay attention to and dont adhere to in their private lives.
State Trooper 1: Man that was great arresting that guy for drinking and driving even though he was barely over the limit, he lost his job and everything.
State Trooper 2: Yeh we sure ruined his life, he will never cross us again.
Normal person in a bar (me): You guys are both drinking right now, and you drove here which means you are gonna drive home after drinking just like he was.
Troopers: Yeh but its different, were cops.
Me: Oh,...right,...that makes perfect sense.

Trooper: Man I got a great story about how I just busted all these kids I caught smoking weed. I think even a few got kicked out of college.
Me: Hmm, I remember in High School how you smoked out a few times.
Trooper: Yeh but thats different, Im a cop now.
Me: Oh right,...guess that means I shouldnt mention the hypocrisy of the whole situation.

Me: How did you get there so fast?
Trooper: I am a cop I just drove here at 110 mph the entire way. I even got pulled over but a little flash of the tin is all it took.
Me: Oh,...right...that makes sense to me.
by Skidmark McGee August 29, 2007
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an idiotic, ignorant, amazingly egotistical low class black man, who by some miracle has made millions of dollars through music even though if he was white and shared the same pro-white beliefs that he has as a black musician he would be denounced as a racist and would be a penniless pauper.

Special Note: His ego is so big it has been documented that great pains have been made to fit it all on stage during his concerts.
Kanye West: George Bush doesnt care about black people.
Sensible Person: Most Black people dont care about other black people, in fact most black people procreate out of wedlock and dont care to be around for the aftermath as in being a father.
Kanye West: Uhh,...Man Im Kanye West aint you know that.

Sensible Person: (Speechless) Yes, yes you are, my congratulations on that.

Kanye West: Sorry Taylor but Beyonce's video was the best ever.

Taylor Swift: Im only 19 and you ruined my moment in the spotlight.
(2 Sensible people watching on TV)
Person 1: Its amazing his ego was that big.
Person 2: Not really, remember the "black people" comment?
Person 1: Oh yeh right. His ego just gets bigger I guess.
Person 2: Whats really amazing is if a white musician did that to a black musician they would be run out of the business. His CD sales will probably go up.
by Skidmark McGee October 1, 2009
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not just your normal cockface, one who goes above and beyond the call of "duty" to bring new heights and new meaning to the insult of cockface. Examples include pissing AND vomiting on a friends couch when extremely intoxicated, fucking a friend's sister AND girlfriend within the same relative time period, and flunking out of two separate college's after having been awarded and athletic scholarship twice.
Dude 1: So you were pretty wasted last night?
Cockface McSmellass: Yup, pissed and vomited all over myself and Mike's couch.
Dude 1: Truly a Cockface McSmellass.

Yo dude you mind if I bang your sister??
Sorry man Cockface McSmellass over there already beat you to it.

Cockface McSmellass is at it again folks.

by Skidmark McGee March 14, 2007
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a ridiculous type of math that people who are losers provide definitions about on a website created for terms that are relevant in everyday conversation to peers
(urban dictionary). These same losers also find it relevant to mention the different types of calculus and who defined it as if that is important. Unless you are a math
major or engineering major then learning calculus has no meaning or purpose to you. And if you do have those subjects as actual majors then you prolly are a
20-something virgin who has never been on a date before with a real live member of the opposite sex.
Nerd: I find equations that use the "chain rule" in calculus to be the most satisfying to solve.
Normal person: Wow, have you ever had sex with a real person?
Nerd: Sadly, no I havent.
Normal person: wow, (yawn) thats a big surprise.
by Skidmark McGee February 16, 2007
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the true political party for the United States of America. This political party takes the interests of real Americans (not illegal immigrants) and does its best to protect and preserve individual rights and the constitution of United States. This political party is made for those Americans who give something back to America and American values, such as hard honest work, and taking responsibility for your own actions.

If you dont believe in such things as "the best man for the job gets it regardless of race, color or creed" or having kids without taking responsibility for them then this isnt the political party for you.

Say what you want about George Bush, but he certainly didnt raise the national debt into the trillions less then 1 year into his Presidency.

Special Note: If you are a terrorist then you certainly dont like or belong to the Republican Party.
Idiot Liberal: That Rep. Wilson is a jerk for what he did.
Republican Party: While it was in bad taste, you do know Obamacare didnt have any provisions excluding healthcare for illegal immigrants until he said something right?
Idiot Liberal: Oh,...the media never reported that.

Republican: Wow you mean the liberal media didnt report that?!? There is a huge surprise.

Nancy Pelosi: We need to give more back to charities and shelter the homeless. Follow my example, why last year I gave over $100,000 to charity.
Republican: Your family's net worth is almost $50 Million, thats less then half of 1% of it. So if I give $500 we could be considered even right?

Dennis Kucinich: Abolish the death penalty.
Republican: Has any member of your family been raped or murdered?

Kucinich: Of course not, we dont live around poor people or in a poor neighborhood.
Republican: So you have no idea what its like to have that happen to you?
Kucinich: Nope
Republican: How you got elected I will never know.
by Skidmark McGee October 1, 2009
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the quite obvious combination of the two words grundel and delicious, grundelicious. meaning that the grundel that you have just sampled is just simply delicious, scrumptious, luscious, or other wise stupendously tasting. Grundelicious can also be used to describe any other productions of the anatomical region known as the grundel, including but not limited to grundel gravy, grundel cakes, grundel juice and grundel butter.
His grundel tasted delicious, it was truly a grundelicious treat.

Kid 1: Wow that grundel gravy your mom used at Thanksgiving was great, truly grundelicious just like she promised it would be! Is it a home recipe?
Kid 2: Yeh do you want my mom to write it down so your mom can make it next year?
Kid 3: You guys are fucking sick, I'm outta here.

Its all about the cocktapus.
by Skidmark McGee August 13, 2007
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something men feel that they need in their life, of course this is a mistake, men need food, water, shelter, not "girlfriend". when you do something wrong "girlfriend"
will be sure to remind you. "girlfriend" also makes sure to point out all the things "girlfriend" doesnt like (friends, sports, etc), things you dont do that "girlfriend" is
used to and emphasizing all that "girlfriend" does for you, amazingly all this is done while giving men the feeling that "girlfriend" puts up with alot more then
"girlfriends" friend's do.

"Girlfriend" also assumes men have endless supply of money.
Girlfriend: I wana go *insert name of stupid place here* !! Remember I went to that dumb movie with you last week.
Guy: Ok fine let's go. (thats funny I remember picking her up and paying for the tickets to the movie last week, I could have just gone with the guys and saved

Girlfriend: I cant believe you did that, Diana's boyfriend never did anything like that to her !!
Guy: What did I do wrong??
Girlfriend: If you dont know I am not gonna tell you.
Guy: Please tell me whats wrong (how will I know if she doesnt tell me?)
Girlfriend: Nothing.
Guy: Just tell me.
Girlfriend: Nothing is wrong.
*Cycle repeats about a hundred times over*
by Skidmark McGee February 15, 2007
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