2 definitions by Sixgun81

The act of being habitually being late due to always having to take a shit or get ones self ready at their own pace. Their shits can last anywhere from 30-45 minutes provided they aren’t on TikTok during the initial act.
Guy 1: Jesus Christ man what took you so fucking long to get here?! You said you were going to be here in like 5 minutes!

Guy 2: Man I was fixing to walk out the door and I got Scheu’d. Next thing you know its 45 minutes later and I’m still taking a shit!
by Sixgun81 April 19, 2021
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1) an extreme act of social activity; usually involves numerous individuals in a range of social circles

2) an extended social period with endless conversation
I would’ve been here sooner, but I got tessemed by my neighbor in the driveway!
by Sixgun81 April 19, 2021
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