2 definitions by Sir Chodesworth

Goldpiece is a term used to describe a large and glorious "shlong".

It can also be used to describe an obnoxiously large golden medallion or other form of "bling".

I have even heard men refer to their slam pieces as "Goldpiece", however this only works when the slam is of great quality and "slamability". She would preferably be at least a 9.
"have you seen Johns Goldpiece? It was amazingly glorious."

"yo bro check out my new goldpiece, I got it for the Little Wayne concert. It weighs 5.23 pounds"

"Brah you gotta check out my new Goldpiece she's easily a 9.5 in and out of bed, I even thought about dating her but the sandwiches she makes taste like sh**".
by Sir Chodesworth November 21, 2012
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A blowjob prior to going out with a group of friends, usually after a few rounds of shots.
"We were in Matt's room and she took me upstairs for a little pre-j action."
by Sir Chodesworth February 16, 2012
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