6 definitions by SharpCream

Like a damn sociopath

Like a damn sociopath is something Olivia Rodrigo said in her song Good 4 u it has become a pretty popular lyric in her album
My Last Braincell: LiKe A dAmN sOciOpAtH iVe LosT mY MinD iVe SPeNt tHe NiGht cRyIng oN tHe FLooR oF mY bAtHrOoM
by SharpCream July 9, 2021
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enough for you

Enough for you is a song by Olivia Rodrigo that comes from her album SOUR
Me, having a weird concert: "All I EVER WANTED was to be ENOUGH FOR YOU"
Friend: "Why do I have to deal with this"
by SharpCream July 21, 2021
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The first couple of words when you get to the fast part in Eminems "Godzilla"
Fill em with the venom and eliminate em other words i- yeah, thats enough of that
by SharpCream July 9, 2021
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It's Leviosa not Leviosa

Its LeviOsa not LeviosA is a quote from Hermione Granger
Hermione Granger: Besides you're saying it wrong. It's Leviosa not Leviosa
by SharpCream July 9, 2021
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God, its brutal out here

God, its brutal out here is a lyric from brutal that comes from the album SOUR by Olivia Rodrigo
Me: God, its brutal out here
by SharpCream July 21, 2021
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hope ur ok

A cool song made by Olivia Rodrigo, in her new album SOUR
Person 1 : Have you listened to hope ur ok?
Person 2: nope but ive heard its good
Person 1: i am offended that you havent heard but you really should *flys away with mosquitos*
Person 2: wha-
by SharpCream July 9, 2021
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