3 definitions by Sgt. Baker

The act of putting an object with small holes in front of your ass when you take a shit, resulting in the shit being squeezed into noodle-like strands.
The fags over in apartment 6 are always dropping crap noodles on the lawn.
by Sgt. Baker May 11, 2005
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This can only be properly performed when you have diarrhea. You run up to someone while they are either sleeping or looking away or somehow distracted, and you shit your liquidy-ass shit onto their head.
The first fraternity party I ever went to, I was chocolate attacked by a 350-pound sack of shit named Jeb.
by Sgt. Baker May 13, 2005
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When you're taking a hot bath and your fuckin ballsack floats to the surface of the water like some sort of hairy-ass bouy
Your mom was bathing me last night, and a full-on sack floater occurred.
by Sgt. Baker May 13, 2005
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