4 definitions by Severa Leigh

A n internet meme within the fire emblem fandom. This joke stemed for a twitch broadcast, where the streamer
used the phrase #BlameTakumi

Takumi is blamed for everything since he causes a lot of trouble for the avatar in both the conquest and birthright games.

This phrase can literally be used for almost any situation.
Person 1: Goddamnit, I can't get past chapter 10 of conquest
Person 2: Its hard as balls, #blametakumi
by Severa Leigh April 7, 2016
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Someone who plays volleyball, who is also your bae.
person 1: Who's that guy wear spandex?
Person 2: Oh that's my volleybae!
by Severa Leigh June 20, 2016
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dedicating something to a dead person.
I'd like to deadicate this song to the late Robin Williams
by Severa Leigh April 7, 2016
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