3 definitions by SenpaiVR

The most beautiful, stunning girl in the world to ever exist. She will make you weak at the knees, and make your heart skip a beat, You will never get over her in a break up, and she is loyal caring friend with a heart of gold. She loves everyone and anyone. She is so stunning you will probably fall over if you see her, or even faint. You will definitely feel Scarlett Struck. Scarlett looks best in red, and when she does wear red, she gets all the boys because she looks so damn sexy. Wow, is the only word to describe Scarlett. Scarlett is the best person in the world and the most gorgeous. Don't even think about backstabbing Scarlett though, because she may bite.

the most sweetest person in the world.She can make anyone smile. a very sexy girl and any guy would fall for her.

She is amazing, she can be shy and if she doesn't like someone there is something seriously wrong with them. She is pretty and extremely talented. she talks she has the voice of an angel. People don't realize this but she is and can be the best friend in the world kind, thoughtful and trust worthy.

is hardest to get over in a breakup because she always could make someone smile during a bad day and she is just an amazing girl.She can take your breath away.

"There is just small issue from a so much compliments, Scarletine is Deaf"
"Music is in her heart, not around her"
wow that girl , Scarletine seems like she would be so kind thoughtful and amazing and she Is for sure beautiful!
by SenpaiVR September 19, 2021
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SmartSix is a great person, but doesn't always know it, are caring and intelligent, but never see the beauty in themselves. she knows it's there, but sometimes needs a little encouragement to see it. they are often ambitious, and sometimes get themselves in a little over their heads. if she does, help her out! once you have proven yourself trustworthy, will be your most loyal friend. but watch out! cross her and you'll have hell to pay.
her guy friends all love her like a little sister, and they're like big brothers to her, but there's one in the crowd who's more special than the rest. if you are that person, you are one lucky guy. will devote everything to you. at first she can seem overwhelming, but don't be put off! she just has strange ways of showing her affection. once you've got her though, hold on tight.
be on your toes though! SmartSix is strong and independent, which can sometimes make her more vulnerable than the rest. she always brings something new to the day, and if there's a smile on her face, don't be the one who wipes it away.
SmartSix has an amazing capacity to care about people. even the ones who hurt her.will love you like a girlfriend, talk to you like a trusted advisor, and protect you like a sibling. do the same for her!

P.S. call her smartie or smart
by SenpaiVR January 31, 2020
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Smart Six is definition for Person, Who created VrChat
Smart = Have Better brain
Six = part of something
SmartSix = no one know who is he/she, only what is knowed He/she Ghost on Twitch or Games
by SenpaiVR August 22, 2018
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