2 definitions by Selkes

She is Smart, cute, openminded and won’t judge quickly, she is REALLY helpful and knows how to cheer you up. Swetlana is a Kind Woman who has her shit together, she will love you no matter what. She is AWESOME, she also is very talented
Thats Swetlana, she is one of the the kindest persons i know
by Selkes December 29, 2018
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Katja is a very kind person, she isn’t like everyone else. She is aesthetic and has many talents PLUS she is beautiful. Katja is basically a cool friend to have around and you can only love her, if not? U a douchebag :)
A: Wow, who is that girl?

B: Oh thats Katja, i love her, its really hard to describe her at first but when u get to know her she’s everything!
A: I wanna be her friend
by Selkes December 29, 2018
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