2 definitions by SeitzFace Killa

Expressing disbelief, like "what the fuck."

Often credited to The Matrix, but actually first appeared in popular culture in the 1984 sci-fi movie "The Last Starfighter" when the main character's little brother sees a robo-duplicate of his brother.
what the shit?! why are there two copies of my brother?
by SeitzFace Killa March 22, 2008
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Fucked Up, But Alright- a phrase used to convey that you are very drunk and/or high, but feeling good. As opposed to Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition (e.g. too drunk and puking).
-You man, I can't believe you just drank that whole handle of whiskey, you okay?

-No worries man, I'm FUBAR.
by SeitzFace Killa March 24, 2008
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