2 definitions by ScreaminIdiot

(n.) The delicious contents of a taco that fall out of it when you take a bite.
Is usually eaten afterwards with a fork (or by hand, either way)
I thought I was completely original creating "Taco shit" until I saw it already on UD.

Ah well

Mike: "Yo man you gonna eat that taco shit?"
Doug: "YES! It's the only SHIT I would eat!"
by ScreaminIdiot October 14, 2008
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A great underground cult classic directed by Kevin Smith. It's the best film he's made by far. But Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back is a close second. It was a low-budget film released in 1994 and was one of the best films of that decade.
Classic Clerks Moment....

Customer: Cute cat, what's it's name?
Randal: Annoying Customer.
Customer Fucking dick.
by ScreaminIdiot August 18, 2006
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