2 definitions by SavingEarth

Someone who starts drama and is also a selfish person. A JuJu Monahan thinks the world revolves around them. JuJu meaning drama and Monahan meaning selfish and full of themselves.
Look at that person who thinks their such a good dancer and their not... They are such a Juju Monahan
by SavingEarth August 26, 2018
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She is nice person and has beautiful eyes. Usually have nice hair and like to try lots of hairstyles. A julia is easily bribed into things. Although a Julia can be very scheming person and may seem to do acts of kindness but really is doing an act of sarcasm. A julia is easily upset. Julia's are usually very clingy to one person which is not always a bad.
by SavingEarth August 26, 2018
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