4 definitions by Satyr

Used in online chatting.
Representational of a happy face, similar to but not as popular as ^_^
Opposite of u.u
girl 1: Denis asked me out today n.n
girl 2: o.o No way!
girl 3: *squeals* He did!
by Satyr February 27, 2005
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Used in online chatting for the expressing of sorrow or sympathy.

Representational of eyes looking downward.
I have to take my dog to the vet today because she isn't feeling well u.u

I'm sorry to hear that u.u
by Satyr February 27, 2005
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A very versatile word, it is similar to fuck in that it can be a noun, verb, adjective or adverb. Commonly used as a placefiller for anything despicable.
(saintly cursing) fuckin snarfblatt

Oh shit.. the webserver is snarfblatted!
by Satyr January 21, 2005
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A state of intoxication which renders the drinker even more of a juvenile, self-centered, boorish dickhead than he was when sober. From tuckermax.com, a site dedicated to the puerile ramblings of a sick SOB.
You think I'm a total loser now? Wait 'til I get TMD on this half-gallon of vodka... then I'll really be a complete fucking idiot.
by Satyr September 15, 2004
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