14 definitions by Sasuke

greatest guitar player ever. first to mix classical with metal. often overshadowed by EVH, he never became as famous as he should have, and died in a plane crash
by Sasuke November 1, 2003
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Smart little shit, sometimes stubborn but all around not that damn bad not bad at all
German, Bah, He aint nothing but a glory hound person, but hey he's like women gotta love da child
by Sasuke March 27, 2003
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A godly child who knows far too much about web design and scripting languages.
Person 1: That kid can do anything!
Person 2: Yeah, he's SSB!
Person 3: Wow, he just made submission system!
All: Oooh...
by Sasuke December 21, 2004
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ready for pull, used in some MMORPGs such as EQ and WoW
by Sasuke May 5, 2005
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The Japanese word for "Dragon".

Also the name of the star characters in "Street Fighter", and the excellent dragon RPG, "Breath of Fire". Hi.
Ryu2: Die Mothafucka.
Ryu3: Rarg.
by Sasuke June 19, 2003
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