3 definitions by Samir J. Banerjee

Hindi word for arsehole. Also used to describe someone stupid and incredibly dim witted. Sometimes also used when a person is unhelpful or stingy or just plain anal. Despite certain claims, the word gandu has no connection with homosexuality. A gandu is not a homosexual man, no more than an arsehole is a homosexual man. It stems from the word "Gand", pronunced "gaa-nd" which is a crude word for someone's arse. A very popular indian curse word.
"I'm not surprised he fucked up, he is a gandu!"

"He's not going to help, he's a real gandu"
by Samir J. Banerjee July 18, 2004
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Hindi for prostitute. also used sometimes to mean a girl who's very lose.
"Forget it, she was a randi anyway!"
by Samir J. Banerjee July 18, 2004
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Used in New Delhi, India. Short for Auto Rickshaw, a three-wheel rickshaw powered by a vespa engine with room for three passengers.
The word auto originally comes from the Greek word 'automatos' meaning self acting. (Its modern day equivalent is automatic.)
"I'm sorry I'm late, I couldn't get an auto in time"

"They're so many of us, we might have to take two autos"
by Samir J. Banerjee July 18, 2004
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