12 definitions by Sabishii211

When you fall in "love" after only glancing at someone.
See also lust.
Boy sees girl. Boy falls in like.
by Sabishii211 May 12, 2004
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"Look, look, it's the pig monkey.."
"Who? Which one?"
"The one with the nose."
by Sabishii211 March 27, 2004
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That Russian guy who sings the song Tanz Brüderchend from the A Frightened Boy flash. Remixed by techno artist Hyperactive makes for an uber song.
Once there was a little boy.
He lived in a place where bad things happened.
He was afraid that he would be brutally killed,
Just like all the other little children had been.
And then, one day, along came a crab.
The boy tried to ignore the crab,
But it just stayed behind him.
by Sabishii211 March 27, 2004
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