11 definitions by Russ Bus
Its a less racial way of saying there are black people somewhere on your property. We say it when blacks show up at our haunted house. The blacks are usualy the ones that hit our monsters and get all kung foo on that ass when they get scared. So when they show up, a call goes out over the radio that "there's ninjas on the lawn"
I have also used it when there are black ppl around my store. Like when they hang out in the parking lot doing nothing.
I have also used it when there are black ppl around my store. Like when they hang out in the parking lot doing nothing.
I saw a group of black people headed for the entrance to our haunted house, so I alerted the managers that there's ninjas on the lawn.
by Russ Bus December 26, 2007
Those ppl who stand outside my pawn shop before we open, or after we close, beating on the door and trying it every 5 seconds trying to get in. We call them "pawn zombies" because their antics resemble those of your typical movie zombie from a George Romero flick. These guys are usualy cracked out or messed up on something and just cant wait 2 pawn their junk for a few bucks so they can go down the street and get a fix.
{2 guys running reports before we open the pawn shop}
Guy 1: Hey, somone is at the door. Holy shit man they are trying to brek in!
Guy 2: Naw man, those are just a pawn zombie. Thier harmless. Just point at your watch, shake your head, and smile.
Guy 1: Whew, hes realy tryin that door man. Sure everythings cool?
Guy 2: Ya hes cool. Hes just twitchin for a fix, he thinks the door is magicaly going too open the more he tries it.
Guy 1: Hey, somone is at the door. Holy shit man they are trying to brek in!
Guy 2: Naw man, those are just a pawn zombie. Thier harmless. Just point at your watch, shake your head, and smile.
Guy 1: Whew, hes realy tryin that door man. Sure everythings cool?
Guy 2: Ya hes cool. Hes just twitchin for a fix, he thinks the door is magicaly going too open the more he tries it.
by Russ Bus February 22, 2008
What you say to someone who is whining like a little bitch about things that no one cares about but them.
Or when someone is whining about something that isnt that bad.
Or when someone is whining about something that isnt that bad.
Guy 1: Man, I lost 10 bucks on the blackjack table.
Guy 2: Dont Cry for me Argentina, I'm down 2,000 bucks! Let me call you a Wambulance.
Guy 2: Dont Cry for me Argentina, I'm down 2,000 bucks! Let me call you a Wambulance.
by Russ Bus November 19, 2007
1.) A small, hidden area of a haunted house that is used, by the management, primarily for the purpose of getting wasted during the haunt. This area, or "room" may also be used to facilitate any activity that needs to be "hidden from the customers or the owner of said haunt.
2.) A code phrase to signal a managers meeting at a pre-designated place at a haunt "ie fuckin boo as described above" to partake in mass consumption of mind altering substances mainly, but not limited to, beer, weed, cigs, pills, or liquor.
You see, myself and a few other loyal halloween freaks, have been in the haunted house business for about 13 years now. We design, construct, decorate and run the thing every year in October. Its a ritual. We scare the crap out of people for fun. And what do you think makes it more fun? Beinig wasted of course! Plus being wasted makes US that much crazier at the same time. The problem is that the owner of the haunt we run does not condone the ways of the Jedi, ie getting wasted. So a few years back we had some left over space after construction and decided to make our own little hideout from the powers that be. Someplace we could do our thing and not fear the wrath of the darkside. Somehow the term "fuckin boo" came to be as a signal that we were meting in that room to slam a few beers and smoke a few joints. You see we all have waklie talkies, including the boss, so when you hear "fuckin boo" over the airwaves you know to meet there. Soon the room itself became became fuckin bo and so it was and shall always be until the end of days.
2.) A code phrase to signal a managers meeting at a pre-designated place at a haunt "ie fuckin boo as described above" to partake in mass consumption of mind altering substances mainly, but not limited to, beer, weed, cigs, pills, or liquor.
You see, myself and a few other loyal halloween freaks, have been in the haunted house business for about 13 years now. We design, construct, decorate and run the thing every year in October. Its a ritual. We scare the crap out of people for fun. And what do you think makes it more fun? Beinig wasted of course! Plus being wasted makes US that much crazier at the same time. The problem is that the owner of the haunt we run does not condone the ways of the Jedi, ie getting wasted. So a few years back we had some left over space after construction and decided to make our own little hideout from the powers that be. Someplace we could do our thing and not fear the wrath of the darkside. Somehow the term "fuckin boo" came to be as a signal that we were meting in that room to slam a few beers and smoke a few joints. You see we all have waklie talkies, including the boss, so when you hear "fuckin boo" over the airwaves you know to meet there. Soon the room itself became became fuckin bo and so it was and shall always be until the end of days.
<crazy clown fucker pops out of a curtain swinging a bat at invisible children>
<haunted house customer pisses pants an starts crying>
{from the radio in clown's pocket} fuckin boo homie!
Clown: Hellz yeah
<clown goes and gets crazy burnt up lookin dude>
Clown: Hey Blake! Fuckin Boo!
Blake: Yeah! Lets do this
<crazy clown and burnt dude procede do the hidden room in the back and get fubar.
<haunted house customer pisses pants an starts crying>
{from the radio in clown's pocket} fuckin boo homie!
Clown: Hellz yeah
<clown goes and gets crazy burnt up lookin dude>
Clown: Hey Blake! Fuckin Boo!
Blake: Yeah! Lets do this
<crazy clown and burnt dude procede do the hidden room in the back and get fubar.
by Russ Bus September 22, 2007
A bowel movement that is mostly or completely liqud. Generaly squirts out like a fire hose. Liquid shit that usually happens after eating bad food or a night of heavy beer cunsumption.
by Russ Bus January 10, 2006
"A 2 Cigarette Meal" is a meal that is so good, or so large, that it is imidiately followed bu the smoking of 2 cigarettes as opposed to the standard single cigarette. Usualy it is a meal that is either very spicy like mexican or asian cuisine. A Thanksgiving feast usually falls into this category too as most ppl over eat and must chainsmoke 2 or more cigarettes afterwards to speed up the digestion process.
{2 ppl sittin at On The Border after a huge meal.}
Person 1: "Wow! That was a feast man."
Person 2: "Ya, my mouth is on fire from that hot sauce. Im stuffed."
Person 1: "Ya, that was definately a 2 cigarette meal"
Person 2" "Well light it up then."
Person 1: "Wow! That was a feast man."
Person 2: "Ya, my mouth is on fire from that hot sauce. Im stuffed."
Person 1: "Ya, that was definately a 2 cigarette meal"
Person 2" "Well light it up then."
by Russ Bus February 21, 2008
A tool that can be used for anthing. Usually a large knife or the like. I have one and i use it for all kinds of stuff. Scratchin itches, cleanin the pipe, cutting stuff, poking badgers, carvin my name in shit, widdleing, death threats, both mistemenor and felony crimes, picking locks, picking my nose, picking my teeth,(not in that order), fileing fingernails, can be used as silverware, skinning small animals, cut rope or wire, dialing numbers on the phone, typing, pokeing holes in stuff, and many others.
by Russ Bus February 8, 2006