5 definitions by Rue

A generally derranged indvidual who enjoys listening to, for lack of better words, crap. Boy bands with instruments, if you will. They generally migrate around Hot Topic during the summer and other such days off from school.
Shopping at Hot Topic makes you see a superfluous amount of poser punks.
by Rue March 30, 2003
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Esther is a funny and crazy girl she loves food and the people around her that she loves she does get angry easily but doesn’t hold a grudge for to long if u are friends with an Esther you should keep her close
Esther went to get food
by Rue November 7, 2020
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To be great at an activity

Derived from the swedish ravings of Sweden-Is-Gratest the most eccentric TFC player ever.

Can also be used with other words such as wubbage and CMNP
'OMG I RO><oR!!!!!'

'I got ro><or CMNP last night from Requiem'
by Rue September 1, 2004
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Kayenne is usually a boy who has a big ego about how sexy he is but really isn’t loves himself to much but is funny but not good looking
by Rue October 28, 2020
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we went to the dead show looking for some doses.
by Rue January 29, 2004
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