5 definitions by Roy K

A person of utter uselessness.

Completely and devestatingly devoid of purpose.
"Art, your a total toolbag. I'm demoting you from bag boy to speed bump. You'll be working in parking lot five from now on."
by Roy K July 12, 2005
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Ideals invented by Ian MacKaye. Primarily focuses on maintaining a pure body and conscience by abstaining from drugs and alcohol. Promotes monogomous relationships (not mariage) and a vegetarian diet (although this is not essential). Ian MacKaye went so far as to shave his head but no one does this as a sign of their devotion anymore. Early straight-edgers could be identified by 'X's tattoed into their hands.
Straight-edge used to mean something. Now you see kids who shop at Hot Topic using Sharpies to draw 'X's on their hands.
by Roy K July 13, 2005
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Ideals invented by Ian MacKaye. Primarily focuses on maintain a pure body and conscience by abstaining from drugs and alcohol. Promotes monogomous relationships (not mariage) and a vegetarian diet (although this is not essential). Ian MacKaye went so far as to shave his head but no one does this as a sign of their devotion anymore. Early straight-edgers could be identified by 'X's tattoed into their hands.
Straight-edge used to mean something. Now you see kids who shop at Hot Topic using Sharpies to draw 'X's on their hands.
by Roy K July 13, 2005
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Ideals invented by Ian MacKaye. Primarily focuses on maintain a pure body and conscience by abstaining from drugs and alcohol. Promotes monogomous relationships (not mariage) and a vegetarian diet (although this is not essential). Ian MacKaye went so far as to shave his head but no one does this as a sign of their devotion anymore. Early straight-edgers could be identified by 'X's tattoed into their hands.
Straight-edge used to mean something. Now you see kids who shop at Hot Topic using Sharpies to draw 'X's on their hands.
by Roy K July 13, 2005
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When two people meet and their expectaions for each other are initially high, and for that reason they end up hating each other.
"How was your date with Heraldo?"

"Eh.. we had a face-fist connection."
by Roy K June 10, 2005
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