2 definitions by Rolf M Nate G

Fecies in length so astronomically long that its approx. 36 inches long, that near of a shoelace.
Zak: I just had a shoelace shit today.
Rolf: you suck
Nate: ya you do . fuck
by Rolf M Nate G May 29, 2005
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When you have so much air pressure in your intestine that your bowls begin to retract causeing an imbigulously involuntary extraction of fecies into the lavoritory causing the dihydrogen monoxide to be intercalated into your rectum.
Doctor: your son will not be living much longer.
Parent: why?
Doctor: im sorry to say that he... he(sigh).. he has undergone the Reverse-methane process.
Parent: thats to bad. i guess.
by Rolf M Nate G May 29, 2005
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