11 definitions by Roger Halunen

The act of taking a story, throwing out the majority of the facts, building up the sensationalism and entertainment value, then presenting it as news.
The Foxify version; A drunken Armadillo takes car for a joy ride!

The facts; A wayward Armadillo crossing the freeway is hit by a car and rolls up on the hood causing the driver to swerve off the road.
by Roger Halunen January 26, 2007
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When the sound level is significantly increased during television commercials.
You're sitting on the couch straining to hear the dialog of your favorite TV program when a commercial comes on. The next thing you know the sheer volume of the ad has blasted you so far back into the couch you're finding coins and change that disappeared from your pockets when black & white TV was still in vogue. Congratulations; you've just been audio jacked!
by Roger Halunen July 17, 2006
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When the sound level is significantly increased during television commercials.
You're sitting on the couch straining to hear the dialog of your favorite TV program when a commercial comes on. The next thing you know the sheer volume of the ad has blasted you so far back into the couch you're finding coins and change that disappeared from your pockets when black & white TV was still in vogue. Congratulations; you've just been audio jacked!
by Roger Halunen July 2, 2006
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When the sound level is significantly increased during television commercials.
You’re sitting on the couch straining to hear the dialog of your favorite TV program when a commercial comes on. The next thing you know the sheer volume of the ad has blasted you so far back into the couch you’re finding coins and change that disappeared from your pockets when black & white TV was still in vogue. Congratulations, you’ve just been audio jacked!
by Roger Halunen May 10, 2006
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When the sound level is significantly increased during television commercials.
You're sitting on the couch straining to hear the dialog of your favorite TV program when a commercial comes on. The next thing you know the sheer volume of the ad has blasted you so far back into the couch you're finding coins and change that disappeared from your pockets when black & white TV was still in vogue. Congratulations; you've just been audio jacked!
by Roger Halunen May 26, 2006
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A person using a cell phone while being completely oblivious to their surroundings, other people, or tasks requiring full and immediate attention.
I watched a Cellhole weave dangerously in and out of traffic without using any turn indicators.

While navigating the store the Cellhole was compiling a verbal shopping list.

The ring tone in the theater indicated there was a Cellhole in the audience.

Just when the entrée arrived a Cellhole at the table next to ours decided to have an argument with his girlfriend.
by Roger Halunen January 20, 2006
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The Cellcoholic decided to have a little “Hair of the Dog” and made a call first thing in the morning.

Feeling despondent and lonely the Cellcoholic decided to call someone.

This time, the Cellcoholic thought, I can stop at just one call.
by Roger Halunen January 20, 2006
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