4 definitions by Rob Bayliss

The sparrow only had a bogeysworth of meat on it when I roasted and ate it
by Rob Bayliss January 8, 2004
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The urge to eat something out of greed rather than necessity
I was so grungry that I ate two doner kebabs
by Rob Bayliss January 7, 2004
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Supporter of or anyone currently or formerly associated with Bristol City (1982) Football Club
"He's only a poor little shithead,
his face is all tattered and torn
he made me feel sick
so I hit him with a brick
and now he don't sing any more"

Song to be sung at shitheads
by Rob Bayliss January 8, 2004
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Another song: (To the tune of daydream believer by the Monkees)
"Cheer up Danny Wilson
Oh what can it mean
To a sad Shithead bastard
and a shit football team"
by Rob Bayliss January 8, 2004
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