12 definitions by Rk

home of thugs who prolly aint got the proper education to find their way to they home after they went out.
i got raised "in" the streetz homie

yes in.. as i said they dont got proper education
by Rk May 3, 2004
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used as an enhancer to the derogatory definition of the term gay.
Is used to describe a person's continued state of being lame, weird, etc. as if stewing in gayness.
C: Joe is such a mook.
R:Yeh, he's gay and marinating...
by Rk February 6, 2005
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The alien emoji means that the sender would like to be kidnapped
My girl just sent me the alien emoji text. She wants to spend some real time in the basement.
by Rk March 13, 2018
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You have a slump dick
by Rk January 11, 2016
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Dude Chantal and I totally went carpet boarding last night,it was so exhilarating it made me JIMP.

also used as Jimpy, jimped, jimptascular.
by Rk February 4, 2009
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