13 definitions by Rico Suave

originated in tha 1970's greenhouse culture.. adapted by urban gangstas, fire now represents some of tha best chronic avaliable. simply having red hairs isnt good enough to qualify as tha fire, tha shit must be super chronic one hitta quitta(see def.)
u better check yoself when u hit that shit, its tha fire..
by Rico Suave February 25, 2005
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noun, shit;something that has shit tendencies.
I can't eat White Catsle or I'll get the sixth hand silvers.
by Rico Suave December 10, 2003
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people who pack lips all day and get drunk after a game...BEST PEOPLE ALIVE
Your not a hockey player if you never packed a lip,downed a beer, or dropped the mitts. And if you are, chances are your not very good.
by Rico Suave January 9, 2005
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wow man we were having a great time then when the others came in it just became a brady bunch
by Rico Suave April 20, 2005
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eminem's 3rd alter ego besides marshall mathers and slim shady, says female's lie, goes out with girls who he just met and fuk'd. doesn't give a fuk about women who make him hurl.
i can't be your superman
by Rico Suave July 13, 2003
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A fob trying to bang you for simply being from a different country.
Man those girls have socha in there eyes and I'm loving it.
by Rico Suave April 2, 2005
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