10 definitions by Reptilesrcool

When someone uses all the restroom paper and doesn't replace it.
"Hey, can you please pass me the TP? The last person in here was a paper pillager."
by Reptilesrcool July 23, 2022
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A nonsense phrase uttered between friends when there's no subject to talk about or to break an awkward silence with a few laughs. Its randomness and absurdity makes it humorous.
Group of friends: *don't know what to say*

One friend: "Agajubu!"

Whole group: *Laughs*
by Reptilesrcool July 23, 2022
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A person who watches the same TV show or movie or listens to the same song an unreasonable amount of times.
Tyrone is such a Loop Lord. He's played that song like six times in a row now.
by Reptilesrcool July 23, 2022
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