3 definitions by Red E. Todye

Friends with cuddle benefits. A friend that you don't have sex with but sometimes stays the night in your bed to cuddle and spoon. Sometimes a result of trauma that makes one or the other withhold sexual activity. Sometimes the result of on or the other having a sexual orientation that makes them not sexually interested in the other.
I love having my fwcb stay the night with me, but sometimes her nightmares about past trauma wake me up. I just hold her tighter and hope she doesn't punch me.
by Red E. Todye February 5, 2019
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An altered form of reality or "truth" that that is commonly associated with idiots, sociopaths, narcissists, and anyone else who denies reality, in favor of their own opinions and biases. Commonly associated with "alternative facts".
Donnie: I totally grabbed that girl by the pussy the other night and she absolutely loved it.
Eric: No way, are you telling the Truth?
Donnie: I tell you the Trumpth. Believe me.
by Red E. Todye February 14, 2017
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A form of sodomy. But instead of finishing in your gay partner's butthole you pull out and wedge your Pence between their buttcheeks and bun fuck them until you come on their back. Also called a chill cheese dog between two buns.
I can't believe he Mike Penced me. Now I have Mike on my back that I can't reach. I need to take a shower.
by Red E. Todye October 13, 2018
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