13 definitions by ReallySUX2BUdontIt?

Those who are against serving others.
Con - Prefix meaning against.
servative - one who serves others in some capacity.
You'll get no votes to ever make or improve social programs by them because
they are CONservative.
by ReallySUX2BUdontIt? June 28, 2023
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ESPIONAGABLE is in reference to charges when a traitor, such as the treason weasel TRUMP, gets indicted.
really racked up plenty of

espionagable charges!! Con spiracy Against The United States, and Theft of Classified Documents!!
Remind me what the punishment for all traitors
who commit espionagable
offenses against the United States!
by ReallySUX2BUdontIt? June 9, 2023
Right wing, conservative, and Republican media personalities practice EJERKULATION when they become ecstatic and elated about the suffering

of other American citizens, especially
the poor, the disabled, the elderly, and people of color.
The ejerkulation of the right wingers became visibly apparent when the right wing host said "Its about time we took all benefits from the poor, disabled, elderly and people of color! Why don't they pull themselves up by their own bootstraps and quit costing our ultra wealthy donors who get massive tax cuts all that money! Don't they get it? Our sketchy ultra wealthy donors who control us are being cheated!"
by ReallySUX2BUdontIt? April 28, 2023
Suckertrumped is when youve been conned into joining a political Anti - American, Anti-Democracy, Anti-Consititution militarized cult intent on overthrowing Americas democracy to install a traitor as fascist dictator.
So sorry about your friend who believed that pathological liar, the guy known as Americas BIGLIEST loser and sucker. Now
his mind is no longer his own. He has been SUCKERTRUMPED!
by ReallySUX2BUdontIt? August 4, 2021
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When someone keeps repeating a lie so often they

poison their own mind to the point of continual delusional thinking becoming self convinced
that their lies are true.
Theres the Felonious Criminal Defendant Trump! You know the disgraced ex-president who is semi-illiterate who always tries to

speak as if his lies are facts.
His suckertrumped minions and disciples of the Trump cult listen to him tell deludifacts never telling the truth!
by ReallySUX2BUdontIt? June 28, 2023
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When a right winger, Conservative, or
Republican attempts to avoid an issue by a weak deflection.
Example: "But what about...? these
parasitic corporations and the ultra wealthy who pay zero taxes from whom you take large campaign contributions?
You know the shadowy billionaire financial vampires who suck the wealth out of the system, keeping us all in a financially anemic state!

"But what about...? (Fill in lame deflection topic here) the people who commit fraud by going to food banks when they have resources? Those are

the ones who burden society!!
A "But what about...?" deflection can often be an outright lie, or something made up that is preposterous. The function is to get away from the point that cant be defended.
by ReallySUX2BUdontIt? August 3, 2022
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