6 definitions by RealMorphineAddict

when a man be scoutin for da cooch no cap
damn did you hear she got a coochie beard, only a coochie scout would know that
by RealMorphineAddict July 24, 2020
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bay area slang for something that go crazy or robbing a store or person.
yo that sideshow last night went skits cuddy lets hit the show next friday.
by RealMorphineAddict October 11, 2020
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when some food is good as fuck, don't confuse it w slap PLEASE.
aye im glad we got wingstop this shit shmack
by RealMorphineAddict October 11, 2020
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usually of some type of drug or alcohol, basically being gone asf
this nigga smoked too much he geekin bru
by RealMorphineAddict October 11, 2020
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bay area slang for when a song goes hard
aye this baby j?? this shit a slap omm
by RealMorphineAddict October 11, 2020
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