2 definitions by Ratilla

The scum of the earth. These men will fuck with younger girls feelings and not give two fucks about it. They may be attractive in a weird kind of pan of grease way. They will most likely resemble bob ross’s and extra virgin olive oil’s love child. But this hoe is definitely not a virgin. He knows exactly how to take advantage of the baby thots. Let me tell you, this man has amazing fingers. He’d rather ride you than his horses and his uncle may be dead on the side of the road. In conclusion, if they’re your type, you’re most likely in love with a greasy cowboy.
I am in love with a greasy cowboy, but he already fucked another hoe.
by Ratilla May 25, 2020
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The hottest males you will ever see. They will blow your mind. They aren’t even that attractive... but they just do something to you that noone else can. You will get your head so wrapped around them that it will spin in circles. If you have not talked to a shiner boy... i def recommend... unless you don’t want to walk out of this relationship with trust issues. Anywayssss have fun!
If they aren’t shiner boys, I don’t want them.
by Ratilla May 20, 2020
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