3 definitions by Ramtin

Evolved from the small community site Enternexus.com, created by Timo Ewalds, Nexopia.com is a Canadian website, based in Edmonton and designed primarily for people aged 14 and up (accounts with users that are proven to be under age are deleted), that allows its users trade pictures, design their own profiles with pictures and interact with each other via private messages, comments and forums. The website used to contain a "Rate Your Picture" feature on users' profiles, but it was taken down from lack of use (less than 1% of users voted on it). The picture rating system also experienced many different ways of cheating. At first, the picture rating was on a users profile itself, but because of various problems with up-voting and down-voting, it was made random. Once it was made random, the amount of use the feature received dropped to well below 1% of the sites population.
1.lets go creep on other ppls pages
2.nexopia is full of emos, lets make one of them cry :D
by Ramtin November 12, 2006
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orkut is an Internet social network service run by Google and named after its creator, Google employee Orkut Büyükkökten. It claims to be designed to help users meet new friends and maintain existing relationships. Similar to Friendster and MySpace, orkut goes a step further by permitting the creation of easy-to-setup simple forums (called "communities") of users. Until recently, orkut was invitation only, but it now permits users to create accounts without an invitation.
1.im bored,lets go see if anyone left me any MSGs
2.yaay this girl said that she likes me on orkut
by Ramtin November 14, 2006
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