12 definitions by RF5C


if you put this word twice, it literally becomes "sex" in filipino

but if you get that stupid shit out of the way, it's a 1993 cult-classic SNES platformer that is everlastingly so hard as fuck that not even God himself can finish, this little guy named plok has a flag, right? well one day, his flag got stolen and he got so mad that he wanted to entirely make the species that stole his flag instinct; fleas, plok, goes to Cotton Island and fought some fellows but when he went back to legacy island then he saw flea flags everywhere, so he decides to slap the entire species because these fleas probably are having a menopause; thats what happens on the game
"yo whatchu playing on your SNES"

"im playing plok"

"what do you mean"

"it's plok"

"...odd name choice"
by RF5C June 7, 2024
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The old english letter, thorn.

Some people spell it as "TH"
"Hey richard, wanna go to Þe old shop?"


by RF5C February 7, 2023
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the thing that gives you a error in urban dictionary when you search it up
"hey richard look at this |\\ definition"

"how the hell did you get the definition??"

"i dont know"
by RF5C February 17, 2024
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by RF5C October 3, 2023
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what urban dictionary definers (edgy 13 year olds) overuse as innappropriate slang
"hey dude i was wondering should we look at the definition of cheese"

"if you will lmao, read it out"

"Cheese is when you proceed to do sex with a-"

by RF5C January 15, 2025
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when you fix a issue but you make it overexaggeratedly on the opposite direction of what makes the issue
man 1: "hey dude you should be a little more rude"

man 2: "ok"

man 1: "also, what do you think about me"

man 3: "i'm pretty sure that he overfixed the issue, man 1"
by RF5C January 15, 2025
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15 january 2025

the day this definition was posted for urban dictionary to review
as of typing this it's currently 15 january 2025
by RF5C January 15, 2025
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