2 definitions by QueenMaxine

Montgomery County, a Maryland county on the edge of D.C.. It's just about the most diverse place in the entire country and has arguably the best school system. It ranges from working class all the way to extremely wealthy and everything in between. You'll know the wealthy when you see them because the kids look ghetto then you see their mom pull up in an Audi. Don't listen to anybody saying the county's ghetto, that's just the schoolkid wangsters trying to act like they've even seen one when in reality they're just looking at a decent working class neighborhood. If you don't play lacrosse you know too many people who do. Overall, a pretty nice place as long you don't stay too long and don't run into all the wannabes, and can stand said wannabes making a racket drag racing all damn night. Seriously, there's not a time you can wake or a place you can go and not hear that din of the roads. Just keep in mind: don't expect a single turn signal and do not put the old bay on the fries, whatever they say. It's fucking disgusting.
P1: I went to MoCo, it was pretty nice but nobody will shut the fuck up.
P2: Yeah, just don't stay there too long. You'll go crazy.
by QueenMaxine April 9, 2019
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Truly an awful place. Never before could you see how much of a stupid dopamine addicted attention whore the people you thought were cool are. All SNSs are awful in their own way but naturally the awful people their SNS is known for will argue with you about how the others are worse.
Twitter: A social media site where all the people you thought were reasonable can gather to share their stupidity and smear it onto your face.
Reddit: A social media site where all the people you thought were funny can gather to share their belief in how smart they are and smear it onto your face.
4chan: A social media site where all the people you thought were just weird can gather to share their smarts but more importantly, use them to be idiotic creeps.
Instagram: A social media app where all the people you thought were shallow airheads can gather to share they are, indeed, shallow airheads.
Discord: A social media site where all the people you thought were cool can gather to share their desperation for social contact (see e-dater) and lack of good things, or anything at all, to do. Or just be pedophiles.
Tumblr: A social media site where all the people you think are annoying can gather to regurgitate each others' thoughts and confirm how annoying they are.
Facebook: Idek anymore.
by QueenMaxine March 13, 2019
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