3 definitions by Purple_Marshmellow_with_a_mask

This is what happens when a student is sitting in front of a screen, has nothing to do and internet is working (remember he's at school) so in order to vanquish boredom they go onto Google typing every key into the search engine.
Boy thinks: " Hmmm what to do?" *goes onto Google* `1234567890-=\/*-+987poiuytrewqasdfghjkl;'456321/.,mnbvcxz~!@#$%^&*()_+|}{":?><.......
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a word you create to prove Google doesn't know everything, but Urban dictionary will (if they have accepted this word)
"google knows everything"
*creates word and searches it*
*google search: Schploogie: ERROR did you mean Schoology
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When someone tells you to roll in Dark Souls and you get really upset and break the controller.
"dude you should roll. you really suck at this game."
*Breaks controller*
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