2 definitions by PseudonymLOLXD69420

oops you forgor to put da cee dee in da computa
guy 2: HEY!!!
guy 1: what
guy 2 have you heard of Lego Island?
guy 1: lol
guy 3: OoOoPs YoU FoRgOT 2 PoOt tHe cD iN uR cOmPuTeR
by PseudonymLOLXD69420 January 3, 2022
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www.urbandictionary.com is blocked

The person who set up this computer has chosen to block this site.
Try contacting the system admin.
guy 1: hey
guy two: he-
Error message: www.urbandictionary.com is blocked The person who set up this computer has chosen to block this site.
Try contacting the system admin.
Personified Guy 2: DAMNIT GOGUARDIAN!
guy 1: where is he?
by PseudonymLOLXD69420 April 12, 2023
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