1 definition by Proud gemini

Someone who has surpassed the level of being a douchbag but not quite a mother fucker. Total cockiness is at hand; he (lets face it, it'll be a guy) won't punch children but will annoy the shit out of you, chances are, your evening will be ruined by him. The bar you met him at will be permanently tainted (you'll avoid it at all cost and tell your friends to never go there in fear of this given person will be there); a group of these types can be referred to as a "closet of sploogemops."
Ugh... Nick is working tonight; total sploogemop I slept with him and he texted me the next day with "that was a big load I dropped, right?" Let's not go here, we're better off at a Chili's.
by Proud gemini November 15, 2016
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