4 definitions by Pprplgrl

When your word was your bond, if you play you're ready to pay (you don't rat out anybody) or "drop a dime" to avoid taking responsibility for what you did. "Drop a dime" refers to making a call from a public telephone. This was before even pagers...
"No worries dude, you can trust them, they're oldschool.'
by Pprplgrl December 26, 2018
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To have the figurative heat turned up on you, as in the MERCury on an old-school thermometer rise as heat is applied.
Dude, you better disappear cuz you're merc'd, they just picked up your boy and they're pressing him big-time
by Pprplgrl January 3, 2019
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Law Enforcement Officers
Let's jet, here come the LEOs.
by Pprplgrl January 3, 2019
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Being a Jewess myself (this is atually true of me, prplgrl,) it's great to run into a hebephile rather than a skinhead.
by Pprplgrl January 3, 2019
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